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Comment: Western Digital hackers published leaked images to taunt storage giant

May 2023 by Joseph Carson, chief security scientist at cybersecurity firm Thycotic

The Western Digital hackers have published leaked images to taunt the storage giant – the same cyber attackers that were responsible for the breach in late March 2023.
The screenshots detail internal emails and other company communications in which the handling of the breach was discussed. It is now unknown if the threat actors still have access to Western Digital’s systems.

Joseph Carson, Chief Security Scientist at Delinea comments:

“Service Providers are a top target of malicious hackers, especially those that store potentially sensitive data like companies offering cloud storage, with security incidents often having a significant impact on consumers and businesses.
Having to shut down the service is an example of what happens when attackers successfully gain unauthorized access to a victims’ network. This latest incident should be a critical reminder of the importance of securing privileged access and ensuring multiple layers of security controls are in place, including the principle of least privilege and multifactor authentication.”

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