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Ethical hacking experts to learn new skills in Germany this June

March 2016 by Marc Jacob

Europe’s largest dedicated penetration testing and ethical hacking training event will return to Germany from the 20th to 25th June at the Radisson Blu hotel in Berlin. SANS Pen Test Berlin 2016 features training from across SANS’ penetration testing curriculum offering five courses, including SANS’ most advanced pen test course SEC760: Advanced Exploit Development for Penetration Testers, led in Berlin by its author - Stephen Sims.

The event has become an annual highlight for pen test professionals from around the globe, and across the pen test community with the opportunity to hone skills through courses focused on specific technologies and scenarios. Courses include SEC504: Hacker Tools, Techniques, Exploits and Incident Handling led by Steve Armstrong, who began his information security career in 1994 with the RAF and today provides specialist security advice to government departments and to the game, music and film industries.

SEC542: Web App Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking will be led by Adrien de Beaupre, a member of the SANS Internet Storm Center and holder of a variety of certifications including the GXPN, GPEN, GWAPT, GCIH, GCIA, GSEC, CISSP, OPST, and OPSA. George Bakos, SANS instructor and Technical Fellow for Northrop Grumman will lead SEC560: Network Penetration Testing and Ethical Hacking.
SEC573: Python for Penetration Testers will be led by Mark Baggett, course author and Senior SANS instructor. According to Baggett using tools that other people created will only take you so far, “How many hours do you spend searching the internet for a tool that does a specific job only to find that one doesn’t exist. This course offers a better option.” SEC573: Python for Penetration Testers will teach the skills needed not only to tweak or customise tools, but to develop specific tools from scratch. “SEC573 assumes you have no prior experience in software development and provides a self-paced environment for you to maximise your learning,” Baggett adds.

The course begins with an introduction to SANS pyWars, which is a four-day Capture the Flag competition that runs parallel to the course material. “It will challenge your existing programming skills and help you develop new skills at your own pace. Experienced programmers can quickly progress to more advanced concepts while novice programmers spend time building a strong foundation,” says Baggett.

SANS is offering an early bird discount for attendees that register before May 4th and more information on the event can be found at

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