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Is Data security the new Cybersecurity?

May 2023 by Mark Semenenko, Director Solutions Architecture, Immuta

Cyber security has long been a buzzword that puts data teams and consumers alike on high alert. But with the large-scale migration of data to the cloud, the lines between cybersecurity and data security are increasingly blurred, and data security has emerged as its own popular buzzword. In fact, spending on IT security is expected to surpass $188 billion this year, and managed security services (MSS) is the fastest-growing security investment segment, with a 13% CAGR.

The proof is in the numbers. What does that mean for the future of data protection and information security? Is this the end of cybersecurity as we know it?

Cybersecurity vs. Data Security

Cyber security is a broad term that encompasses the protection of all digital assets, including data, networks, devices, and systems. Data security specifically refers to the protection of sensitive or confidential information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction.

In today’s digital age, data security has become an increasingly important aspect of cybersecurity due to the large amounts of data being generated, stored, and shared by individuals and organizations. Cyber threats such as data breaches, phishing attacks, and ransomware attacks can have significant consequences for businesses and individuals alike.

Data security is the protection of data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure or destruction, and can be achieved through a variety of methods, including:
● Security policies that restrict access to sensitive information based on the sensitivity level of that information and the user’s need-to-know
● Access control measures such as authentication and authorization
● Physical security measures such as locks or encryption
● Business continuity planning (BCP) in case an incident occurs that causes loss or damage to your organization’s systems.

The paradigm shift from cybersecurity to data security

The shift from cybersecurity to data security indicates a broader and more holistic approach to protecting sensitive data in organizations. While cybersecurity typically focuses on securing information systems and networks from unauthorized access, data security encompasses the protection of data throughout its entire lifecycle, from creation and storage to processing and sharing.

As a result, future data infrastructure and technology investments are likely to prioritize solutions that can offer comprehensive protection of data, including data access control, data classification, sensitive data discovery, continuous data monitoring and detection.

Another critical aspect of data security is compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR. Organizations are likely to invest in technologies that can help them meet these regulatory requirements and avoid costly penalties.

The changing focus from cybersecurity to data security represents a more significant focus on protecting data and ensuring its confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Future data infrastructure and technology investments are likely to prioritize solutions that can offer comprehensive data security, compliance with data privacy regulations, and innovative technologies that can help protect sensitive data.

The rising data-driven culture

Implementing a data-driven business culture is incredibly important in today’s digital age. Increasingly, company culture now values data and uses it to make strategic decisions. This culture is built on the idea that data is a valuable resource that can be used to improve business outcomes and drive growth.

As a result, data is becoming pervasive across company-wide initiatives widening the risks and potentially increasing the number of internal doors and weak spots that attackers can take advantage of. So when the entire business is built upon data at every level, reducing the cyber risks must start with data security measures at the very core.

Data security has emerged as a critical aspect of cybersecurity in today’s digital age. The growing amount of data being generated, stored, and shared by individuals and organizations has made data security increasingly important. It is this growing change that has highlighted the need for a focus on the security of data that forms the underlying foundation of modern businesses, rather than cybersecurity as a whole.

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